About Me

My photo
At first this was a blog that goes along with a facebook group I joined call 365-2011. For this group you are to take a picture everyday of the year 2011. I failed and didnt do it the whole year. I'm turning into a crafty kind of mommy blog.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Its been awhile

Well I guess I'm pretty bad a blogging.  I'll try again!  I now have a nine and a half month old!  I cannot believe how fast the past 9 months have went by.  I know Ava will have milestones pass with each day but after recently holding a newborn I miss the days when I just cuddled with her.  She didnt try and wiggle down or grab anything in arms reach.  Even though though those days are one new things have come.  She baby babbles to me, she reaches her arms out when she wants me, she army crawls across the floor.  There is just so much that has changed in the last nine months but I couldn't be happier with my baby girl.

Ok enough about the past lets talk present.  I have 3 months till we will be celebrating a first birthday!  I am super excited to plan Ava's party!  The theme will be Winter Onederland and I will probably have an emphasis on snowmen.  Other than that the most I have planned is that I will be making her invites and the party will be December 1!

  Last night we went over to the York Fair.  Being the cheap person that I am we went because we could get in free with our Weis club card!  They had an exotic petting zoo there which had a giraffe!  If you know me in anyway you know giraffes are my favorite!  Well Ava and I got to pet him.  It was lots of fun!  We also held a bunny and kitten at another petting zoo that was there.  Ava seemed to have fun but got pretty tired by the end of the night.

Well it is September and that means fall and football!  I am so excited that the football season has begun!  I just want to say Go Eagles!  Hope everyone has a happy week!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Bridal Shower gift idea

A friend is getting married in April and I didnt want to just get a gift I wanted to get creative so I made a dish towel cake.
I turned this:
into this:
It was pretty fun to make and the bride to be said she liked it so thats all that matters! : )

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Babies grow fast

So they need new clothes a lot.   That's expensive so why not look for a bargain!  Here are some of my bargain clothes finds.
This first one I found on craigslist.  $10 for all of this!

This one is not the best of the bargains but still better than buying brand new!  $15.63 for this at a local consignment shop.

Another lot of adorable clothes!  8.89 for these at the local Salvation army (50% off day!)

Lastly, my favorite!  31 outfits/shirts/skirts/pants/shorts/swimsuit for 50.99!  Wee usables had a event in our area Thursday to Saturday.  Saturday from 8 to 11 things were 50%off!  If I would have gone the day before this all would have been $94!  Can't imagine how much it would be brand new!

I know some people won't have their kids were used clothing but there is no way we could afford all brand new clothes for her as much as she is growing!  Hope this inspires you to find some good deals! 

Monday, March 12, 2012


Well its been a little over a year since I have done anything on here.  In that year I have had a gorgeous baby girl.  This has caused me to go part time and so I want to try and be more crafty with my extra time and blog about it!

I will also talk about being a mommy!  I have been kind of throwing around the thought of using some cloth diapers(thanks to my sister as well as some people on a Dec mom forum I am a part of) for just at home.  A blog about cloth diapering is having a great giveaway! Still want to do some research on them though.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


2-26-11 Milo's close up!

2-14 to 2-25

2-14-11 My Valentines day present...I have been asking (half joking) for rum since October.  So he got me rum and coke for Valentines day!

2-15-11 I dont know why but Milo (and Simba) love sitting on the xbox 360.

2-16-11 Not sure if they are playing for fighting!
2-17-11 Almost what I like to call Slushie season!! Cant wait!
2-18-11 Morgan reading the newspaper.
2-19-11 Morgan and Aunt Kayla went shopping!  Had to try on her outfit!
2-19-11 All ready for church! (Elmo did not come along!) 

2-20-11 I love giraffes!  This is part of my collection! (The one on the very bottom is a whisle i made in ceramics class in high school!)
2-21-11 The last game of the Revolution's first season I got hit in the face with this ball.  The player who hit me signed it.
2-22-11 Chillin.
2-23-11 Fun under the floormat?  I guess so!

2-24-11 I just cant resist girl scout cookies.  2 boxes of thin mints and 1 box of tagalongs!  love them!

2-25-11 It was a windy day!  I was sitting at the bank and it was so windy that my car was shaking!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2-9-11 to 2-13-11

Who cant resist a good shamrock shake?
They were sleeping on top of the clean laundry.

Coupons! They are great! (Sorry they are upside down!)
Close Up!

2-13-11  On this day 3 years ago I got engaged! (He said it was too cliche to do it on Valentines Day!)  This is a recreation of how he did it!  All the hearts say "Marry Me."  Those are the exact sames ones he used haha yup i saved them!